Online Form - K-Town Express - Waiver Form

1. Acknowledgment of Risk

I acknowledge that participation in the K-Town Express Train ride involves inherent risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to mechanical failures, power outages, and unforeseen circumstances. I am aware that despite all safety measures in place, there is always a potential risk of injury or harm. I understand the importance of following safety guidelines provided by the organisers and agree to adhere to them throughout the duration of the train ride. 

2. Voluntary Participation 

I affirm that my participation in K-Town Express Train ride is voluntary, and I am under no obligation to take part. I understand that I have the freedom to withdraw from the activity at any time. My decision to participate is based on my own judgment and willingness to assume the associated risks and responsibilities. 

I further acknowledge that this initiative is organised and operated by volunteers. I understand and appreciate the efforts of these volunteers but recognize that their involvement may contribute to the inherent risks associated with the activity. I agree to exercise caution and understanding while participating in the K-Town Express Train ride organised by these volunteers.

3. Assumption of Responsibility 

I willingly assume full responsibility for any personal injury, damage to property, or other losses that I may incur as a result of my participation in the K-Town Express. I acknowledge that the organizers and volunteers of this initiative are not liable for any such incidents, and I release them from any claims, demands, or actions arising out of or in connection with my involvement in the train rides. 

4. Compliance with Safety Instructions 

I agree to comply with all safety instructions, guidelines, and rules provided by the organisers and volunteers of the K-Town Express train rides. I understand that these instructions are designed to enhance participant safety and minimize risks. I acknowledge that failure to adhere to these safety measures may increase the likelihood of injury or harm and may result in my exclusion from the activity at the discretion of the organisers. 

5. Medical Conditions 

I confirm that I am in good health and do not have any medical conditions or physical limitations that would prevent me from safely participating in the K-Town Express Train ride. In the event that my medical condition changes or if I become aware of any health issues that might impact my ability to participate safely, I undertake the responsibility to inform the organisers promptly. I understand that it is my responsibility to assess my own physical and medical condition in relation to the requirements of the K-Town Express train rides. 

6. Release of Liability 

I hereby release, waive, discharge, and covenant not to sue the organizers, volunteers, and any affiliated individuals or entities involved in the K-Town Express train rides for any liability, claims, demands, actions, or causes of action arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, including but not limited to personal injury or property damage, that may be sustained during or as a result of my participation in the train rides. 

7. Emergency Medical Treatment 

In the event of a medical emergency during my participation in the K-Town Express train rides, I authorize the organisers, volunteers, or their designated representatives to obtain and consent to emergency medical treatment on my behalf. I understand in a situation where immediate action is necessary, I agree to accept the decisions of medical professionals regarding my health and well-being. I also agree to assume any financial responsibility associated with such emergency medical treatment.

8. Privacy Policy 

The information requested in this form is being collected for the purpose relating to this form and its conditions. If you do not provide the information Council may not be able to process your form. Katherine Town Council may disclose the information provided by you on this form to other government bodies, as required or authorised by the Katherine Town Council By‐Laws, of the Local Government Act or in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website or on request from the Council office. You may obtain access to your personal information held by Council by submitting an application form that is available by contacting Council on (08) 8972 5500.

9. Agreement to Terms 

I have carefully read and fully understand the terms and conditions outlined in this waiver. By voluntarily participating in the K-Town Express Train ride, I affirm that I am of legal age and competent to enter into this agreement/or competent parent/gaurdian signing on behalf of a minor. I willingly and knowingly agree to be bound by all the terms and conditions set forth in this waiver, and I acknowledge that this agreement is a legally binding contract between myself and the organisers of the K-Town Express Train initiative.

Do you agree to terms and conditions of K-Town Express Train Rides as above? (Points 1-9).*
Do you declare all information provided is correct?*