Mayor Update

Published on Thursday, 31 August 2023 at 12:51:49 PM

Our Council meeting was held on 22nd August.  This is the first time in five months that we had all Elected Members on board.  Council has six Elected Members and the Mayor.  Our two new Councillors Kerrie Mott and Peter McDougall had their first Council meeting.  They have both been doing the mandatory training, which is a requirement.  Elected Members now have more information available to them and training so that they are equipped with the knowledge they need to be able to represent the community and Council.

The Katherine Visitor Information Centre is a national finalist in the Tourism Awards.  The Awards will be announced in September.  Katherine was in the finals during COVID and the town was one of five finalists, but we were unsuccessful that year.  There is a lot of competition for these awards, so we are keeping our fingers crossed.

Over the years, there have been many requests to have memorial sites around Katherine for the community that have lost loved ones and want them to be remembered.  The old War Memorial Wall will be repurposed to be a memorial wall for people who have contributed to the town in some way.  There are guidelines and criteria to follow before a plaque can be erected.  Families will be responsible for the cost of the plaque.  The plaque will have the name of the person.  A bio of the person is given to Council and then anyone,  visitors included, will be able to access the information of that person on an app that will give the details of what the person did for Katherine.  The wall is still being maintained by Council as it is a historical part of our town.  For more information on the plaques or about the wall, give Council a call on 89725500 or send an email to

The Advertising Policy and the Sponsorship Policy are new policies passed at our Council meeting.  Council is also looking at putting up Driver Revivor Signs north of town.  It will be a similar idea to other states with a trivia question.  There have been several accidents on the highways due to driver fatigue, so it is a start to have these signs to help keep people awake.

The Tip Shop will have a grand opening on Saturday, 9th September, from 8.00 a.m.-12.00 p.m.  The community will be able to purchase second-hand goods that have been salvaged and not gone into our landfill.  The road in and around the Waste Management Facility has been resealed with speed bumps put in place to stop people from speeding.  It looks much cleaner and a job well done by our management team and the contractors.

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